Feminicide in Latin America

Artist Book

Artist book exploring the tragedy of feminicide in Latin America, shedding light on the devastating impact that violence against women has on society. Through powerful imagery , the book highlights the parts of culture in which women have been silenced by this senseless violence, and calls on society to take action to end this epidemic.

This book was displayed as a presentation at the 2023 Latin American Studies Forum at Western Washington University

It is a compilation of diverse essays regarding feminicide from various classes within Latinx and Gender Studies. Insights range from the socio-economic factors contributing to feminicide to the impact of feminicide on the families of victims.

The color palette used in this document is inspired by the crosses of the victims of feminicide in Ciudad Juarez. It is a symbol of remembrance and a testament to the ongoing struggle of families and communities affected by feminicide. This document aims to raise awareness about feminicide and to honor the memories of those who have lost their lives due to this social issue.



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